Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall 2011

A busy Fall Weekend and I have not posted anything for a while. All these pictures were taken with my phone camera and I do not have a fancy phone (my disclaimer) Enjoy!

Alex has just gotten glasses, wow how cute is he?? He is having tubes in his ears again at the end of the month, his third set. I pray this set takes care of his issues.

Here is the group who helped with the leaf raking on Saturday
Many hands make light work!

Dad brought us a snack :) Thank you Dad!

Josh and Alyssa do not have a lot of leaves in their yard so they thought it great fun to run in front of the leaf blower.

Steve blowing leaves

Steve cleaning the eaves, thank you for all the help Steve!

Hannah and Josh have just celebrated their number ten birthdays. It seems like yesterday that they were born. Hannah was sick and missed school on her birthday so not much of a party.

One last picture, mom,or grandmom, or great-grandma is not doing well at all. It is hard to see her going downhill and harder for our dad who has loved her for more than 60 years. I love you mom :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April Weekend

Vivian and Grandma working on the toys.

Alyssa and Vivian checking out the creek
Hannah, Josh, Alex, and Bella checking out the water.
Fighting over the golf cart..
Alyssa looking pretty
Just Vivian :)
Papa and Vivian, showing off her money