Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Lutheran Church in Burr Oak has an annual play - St. John's Players presented "Bedside Manor" for the 2012 production. The proceeds of the play always benefits someone in the church or community. This year the proceeds went to Vivian for a lifetime membership in Little People of America.

Ramie was Doctor Snapgrass

Kelly was Anyanka the gypsy princess

I was Molly (working as an undercover detctive).

At the end of the first act dinner was served.

The entire crew helped with dishing out the food and serving.

Introducing Vivian to the audience..

Presenting our director with a card of appreciation.

Kelly and Sonny

Hannah and her friend

Kelly and I

Miss Vivian checking out the stage following the play

Hannah and Papa waitting to go on stage

1 comment:

  1. What fun!!! It's good to have a glimpse of what you've been up to! Thought of your Dad yesterday morning...Pastor was talking about astonishing faith and seeing it lived out by a spouse who takes care of another as they decline. Uncle Bob is a perfect example of that!
